Christenings and baptisms
We’re delighted you’re thinking of christening your child (also known as baptism). Your child is precious to you and precious to God. At baptism you promise to raise your child to know God loves them, and to help them to follow Jesus as a member of the Church.
Just as you have welcomed your child into your family, and pledge your support and encouragement for all the years ahead, so in baptism the church welcomes them as a new member and pledges its support and encouragement as well. Together in this service, we form a partnership with God on their behalf.
We want to learn what your hopes are, and talk about the commitment you are making on behalf of your child. We expect you to join us in church before your child is baptised, so that we can meet you and arrange baptism preparation.
If you would like to discuss adult baptism or confirmation please do contact us.
“God calls us to fullness of life”
Words of introduction at a Christening

What You Promise in Baptism
At the Baptism service, the minister will ask the parents and godparents:
Will you tell these children the stories of our faith?
Parents/godparents: We promise that we will.
Will you pray with and for your children?
Parents/godparents: We promise that we will.
Will you keep in touch with the church and its worship?
Parents/godparents: We promise that we will.
Do you turn to Christ?
Parents/godparents: I turn to Christ.
Do you repent of your sins?
Parents/godparents: I repent
of my sins.
Do you renounce evil?
Parents/godparents: I renounce evil.